Bishop’s Easter message 2020

Theme: “He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead!” (Luke 24:6)

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ around the world, Receive Happy Easter greetings from the diocese of North Ankole and myself and family in the name of the Risen Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I congratulate all of you upon reaching this great festival in the life of the Church where we see the wonder of God’s word setting our “Hearts burning within” (Luke 24:32) as a result of the resurrected Jesus Christ.

The great news of Easter is that Jesus “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6) comes to possess us. He lays down his life for lost people and rescues us from the destructive forces of sin/evil that holds us in captivity. Also, Easter reminds us that Jesus Christ came to unite us with our God through him.

We need to remember that the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is the central fact of Christian history. On it, the Church is built, without it, there would be no Christian Church today. As Christians, we need to always be proud because it is only Christianity that has a God who became human, literally died for His people and was raised again in power and glory to rule His Church forever. “Indeed, Jesus is risen from the dead” (Luke.24:6). The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ is the centre of the Christian faith. As He rises from the dead, He draws everyone who believes in Him into a new humanity, where old barriers of sin are broken down and we are given a new identity deeper than our differences.

What are we celebrating on Easter?

We praise God because we are celebrating God’s sacrificial love of giving His Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins and His greatest honour in raising Him from the dead, never to die again. The resurrection of Jesus Christ that we are celebrating this year established Jesus as the powerful Son of God and is cited as proof that God will righteously judge the world.

Brothers and sisters, during this Easter, God is calling us to put on the new nature by accepting Jesus Christ, and regard the earthly nature as dead (Col.3:5). God is calling us to change our moral and ethical behavior by letting the risen Christ live within us, so that He can shape us into what we should be. Let Christ rule our hearts, guide our thinking, speech and actions. Let us avoid worldly pleasures (Ref.Col.3:5-9). This Easter season, let Christ be the king of your heart, be the source of your life and peace. Remember that Jesus is near you, and is calling your name. Can you like Mary regard Him as your teacher/Lord (John 20:16)?


Christ is alive, and He wants us to be alive. He is inviting us to share in His life and walk with Him. Accept to receive the gift of His death and resurrection as the noblest gift of all. Let His joy, peace and love ascend into your heart, home, community, Church, and nation this Easter and through the years. May the Lord bless all of you with happiness and unwavering faith this Easter. He is risen!

Rt. Rev.Stephen Namanya
Bishop North Ankole Diocese